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universidade lusófona

Pitch your idea session with Prof. Peter Katzmarzyk & Prof. José Maia

Sept 16, 2023

This is an opportunity for current PhD and Masters’ students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Universidade Lusófona, organized by the CIDEFES, and to be held on Saturday, September 16th, from 10h to 13h (room to be announced).

PhD and Masters’ students will have the opportunity to pitch their study idea (or development) for 5 minutes to the professors to get insights and feedback on how they could improve their research, methods and presentation.
IT IS NOT MANDATORY TO PITCH YOUR STUDY. You can just register to participate as an observer. 

Professor Peter Katzmarzyk is widely recognized for his expertise in physical activity epidemiology and global health. His presentation on the ISCOLE project promises to shed light on its innovative approach to understanding physical activity behavior among children from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Through this multinational study, Professor Katzmarzyk aims to identify key factors influencing physical activity levels among children worldwide, ultimately paving the way for effective interventions to combat sedentary lifestyles.

Professor José Maia, an esteemed scholar especializing in exercise physiology and public health interventions, will share insights from his groundbreaking RUSH project. This ambitious endeavour seeks to examine the relationship between physical fitness during adolescence and cardiovascular health outcomes later in life. By investigating how fitness levels impact cardiovascular disease risk factors over time, Professor Maia’s research holds great promise for improving public health strategies targeting young populations.

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