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universidade lusófona

July 18, 2024, Vasco Bastos presenting his work at FEPSAC 2024


Vasco Bastos, a researcher from CIDEFES , is currently showcasing his innovative work at the FEPSAC Conference in Innsbruck, Austria. This prestigious event is a gathering point for European experts in the field of sport psychology.

Bastos, under the guidance of team leader Diogo Teixeira, has made significant strides in the realm of Affectivism and Exercise. The research is groundbreaking as it aims to improve sustained adherence to exercise, and as such improve several facets of our health.

Bastos is not alone at this event; several other members from the CIDEFES research team are also present. Their collective expertise adds a layer of credibility to their research and provides a comprehensive overview of their ground-breaking work.

The FEPSAC Conference provides an excellent platform for these researchers to share their findings, engage with like-minded professionals and gain insights into the latest advancements in sports psychology. It’s an exciting time for Vasco Bastos and his team as they continue to make waves in this dynamic field of study.
