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universidade lusófona

EUSS - Europe Stays Standing


A. Project Name 

EUSS - Europe Stays Standing


B. Submitted to the call/funding institution

Erasmus +, Sport

C. Principal Investigator

Catarina N. Matias (CIDEFES, COFAC) 

D. Timeline

05/03/2024 (submitted)

E. Partners

L'ORMA (Italy),

Liceul cu Program Sportiv Suceava (Romania)

Sportief Besteed Projecten Bv (Nerderlands)

Azur Sport Sante (France)

LSB (Germany


Catarina Matias, José P. Morgado, Lúcia Gomes, Raquel Madeira

G. Summary  

This project aims to tackle one of the most significant health issues in Europe, that being an aging and increasingly frail population which places an immense amount of pressure on younger citizens, the healthcare system and the government.

General Objective:

The implementation of sport, more specifically group based physical activity intervention as a tool to construct a fall prevention program which will ultimately improve the health, autonomy and cohesion of an aging European population.

Specific Objectives:

1) Increasing autonomy and keeping the aging population standing (thus the inherent reduction of falling), active and engaged in society for a longer time.

2) Educating & training a diverse group of European (sport) professionals.

3) Project specific research, an increase of awareness and effective sustainability.

4) Cross-border and multi domain (sport, social and healthcare) partnerships, cooperations and policy recommendations.